Devops Days Podcast

2015 - DevOpsDays Pittsburgh - Busting Silos & Red Tape: DevOps in Federal Government



All organizations face challenges in changing their culture and adopting DevOps philosophies. This is especially true in many federal government agencies. Through well-intentioned policies and procedures many agencies have created extremely silo’d environments where change is slow and difficult. Finishing the last leg of large scale software development project acquisitions can be particularly challenging and expensive. Barriers often impede getting hardware and software systems system fully tested, transitioned, and up and running in production on schedule. Through our experience as a passionately DevOps focused software development group within Carnegie University's Software Engineering Institute, a federally funded research and development center, creating, delivering and transitioning cutting edge software solutions to government organizations, we have struggled with and overcame challenges in helping government to adopt DevOps principles. Learn how we have conquered these challenges in shifting our gover