

Jon Nastor is the guy behind a coupe of highly successful podcasts (Hack The Entrepreneur and The Showrunner) and over the past 3 years built a product called VelocityPage. One of the first products that allowed you to quickly create landing pages without knowing how to code. VelocityPage was unique and made a huge splash on the market. Over time Jon’s plans changed. And that’s when the focus of VelocityPage began to fall apart, and what Jon and I discuss. Here’s what Jon shares: How Jon first came up with the idea to start VelocityPage. What triggered the hard decision to close the business, even though he is still making sales. Why he didn’t feel good about the fact people will were buying his product. Why it was important for Jon to get Mark Jaquith as the lead developer, even though he didn’t know Mark at the time. Why he said he didn’t put enough action into this business, and didn’t want to. How the concept of “Hell Yeah!” drove the nail in the coffin before burying his business. Why it’s important to