First Breath Speech - Better Voice Better Life

EP: 01 Yoga for Your Voice



When I thought about creating First Breath Speech - the website, blogs, videos and podcasts -- I knew I wanted to explore the voice and how we speak, and also how that integrates into other aspects of our lives. I’m interested in how our voices are affected by the way we live and what we think and how we see ourselves. I want to offer ideas as well as practical solutions for actors and public speakers so each person can feel prepared and well-spoken -- though what you say is entirely up to you…   In this, our nascent episode, I talk with my friend, Jessica Mariglio who is a yoga practitioner and teacher. We talk about pieces of yoga you can do in your car or a small room to help warm up the breathing mechanism, and the head, neck and shoulders. We also touch on strength and balance. Jessica Mariglio has been practicing yoga and meditation for over 10 years. She received her 200hr certification from the Sivananda Yoga Ashram in Dalat Vietnam, and has a MS in Conflict analysis and Resolution from George Mason U