Are You Being Present?

Episode 5 - A Guided Meditation for the Present Moment Feat. Jacqueline Drenth



The Presence Projects is pleased to present it's very first guided meditation featuring Jacqueline Drenth!   Guided meditations are amazing 'presence tools' that can be used to obtain a sense of inner-peace and tranquility. In a previous podcast we discussed the importance of building a mindfulness practice and one of the key components of this daily exercise was meditation.  Not everyone has the ability, or desire, to perform seated/silent meditations so guided meditations are a wonderful alternative.  This type of mediation can be used by anyone looking for assistance to quiet their mind, body and spirit and are especially effective in helping us shift from thoughts of the past and worries of the future. In this podcast Jacqueline's soothing voice guides us through relaxing breathing exercises bringing presence and awareness.  She gently takes us on a journey leading us to life in the 'here and now', a place of peace and stillness.  We hope you enjoy this guided meditation and look forward to more in the ne