Are You Being Present?

Episode 6 - Facing Fears With Awareness & Presence



In this episode Paul Kerzner delves into one of the greatest 'presence challenges' faced by our society, fear. This emotion has the ability to shift people right out of the present moment by eliciting memories of the past or worries of the future. Some of the fears we experience stem from false/inaccurate memories or belief systems that have been imprinted upon our perception of reality. In order to live in the 'here and now' and to fully enjoy life in the present moment there must be a concerted effort to maintain a true sense of awareness which is an amazing 'presence tool'. Awareness has the ability to provide for a better understanding of who we are, what fears we have, what are the roots of these fears and how to properly overcome them. If you, or someone you know, is trapped in a fear cycle we suggest listening to this podcast, working on awareness and incorporating presence. While it might not eliminate all fears it will introduce some helpful tools and perspectives that can lead towards a life in the