Are You Being Present?

Episode 16 - Gratefully Present Feat. Tami Sharp



The Presence Projects presents episode 16 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  In this episode Tami Sharp (clinical hypnotherapist, life & love coach) joins Paul Kerzner for a in-depth discussion on gratitude and it's ability to shift humanity into the present moment. The title of this podcast is "Gratefully Present" and was chosen because gratitude is an essential 'Presence Tool' that has a profound effect on life and can be used by anyone, anywhere at anytime. Being grateful, more so living in a state of gratitude, will create more positive situations and enable desirable outcomes in the present moment. During the podcast Tami shares some of her experiences that provided an opportunity for growth and the ability to see how important it is to be grateful.  There are times in life that we lose things dear to us so that we can learn the importance of gratitude for all things, big and small. Paul shares his perspective on gratitude and the need to accept the present moment.  He suggests that we