Are You Being Present?

Episode 24 - Simplifying the Present Moment



The Presence Projects is excited to present episode 24 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series.  The title and topic of this podcast is "Simplifying the Present Moment" and was selected because so many people in Western society innately complicate their lives pulling them out of the present moment. Host Paul Kerzner decided to explore this topic as he has seen first-hand with his patients, as well as in his own reality, the need to simplify the present moment.  While it may take a decent amount of effort to shift away from complications you will soon see how important it is. Paul explains that there is a narrative running through our minds creating stories that have nothing to do with the present moment.  It takes an awareness that this is transpiring and then action(s) to simplify our lives and the experiences we are involved in. Later in the podcast Paul shares a few techniques that can help simplify life.  One of the easiest ways is to see people/places/things for exactly how they are.  We must stop