Are You Being Present?

Episode 38 - Stop Telling Your Story. Be Present!



The Presence Projects presents episode 38 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join host Paul Kerzner for an in-depth lesson about how telling stories affects your ability to be present.  The title and topic of this episode is "Stop Telling Your Story. Be Present!" and it provides insight, direction and suggestions about why you should stop telling your life story over and over again in a quest to achieve presence and mindfulness.   In this podcast Paul teaches us about how stories are basically baggage that we carry around and share. By recycling these stories you keep telling yourself, and others, a loop is created where you constantly exist in the past or future.  Learning how to be present means that you let go of all the stories/people/places/things that have existed in your life so that you can fully honor the present moment.  The more you work at releasing your stories the more presence, and peace, will exist in your reality. If you, or someone you know, constantly tells stories about the p