Are You Being Present?

Episode 56 - Pivoting with Presence



The Presence Projects presents episode 56 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join host Paul Kerzner for an insightful and thought-provoking discussion on Pivoting as a Presence tool and the effect it can have on the Present Moment.  The title and topic of this episode is "Pivoting with Presence" and was chosen due to its profound effect on reducing, and possibly eliminating, self-inflicted suffering.  In this episode Paul explains what it means to Pivot and why it is such an important Presence tool.  Through his own personal experiences, as well as professional observations, Paul emphasizes that Pivoting is a quintessential behavior exhibited by some of the most successful, and Present, individuals. If you, or someone you know, feels stuck, resistant, frustrated and lives life with expectations, learning how to Pivot in the Present Moment will be a fruitful endeavor.  As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that discuss Presence tools that can be implemented to help shift into t