Are You Being Present?

Episode 58 - Experiencing Discomfort with Presence



The Presence Projects presents episode 58 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join host Paul Kerzner for an informative and insightful discussion on the value of being uncomfortable in the Present Moment. The title and topic of this episode is "Experiencing Discomfort with Presence" and was chosen because most people tend to avoid being uncomfortable, yet it is through discomfort that growth and learning opportunities become available and readily apparent. In this episode Paul delves into the importance of shifting our perceptions around discomfort and explains the opportunities that exist within this feeling space.  He reminds us that being Present means that everything is constantly changing, that nothing lasts.  So whatever uncomfortable situations may arise are only temporary and will soon be replaced with new Present Moments. If you, or someone you know, finds being uncomfortable to be extremely challenging than this podcast will prove to be topical, relevant and useful. As always, it is adv