Alaska Tracy Podcast

Mental Toughness Episode #9



  Mental Toughness or an easier softer way is this week's topic. Life is funny. I can be moving along on life’s balance beam and BAM! My head starts chattering! I would love to tell you it always happens after a major life event, but that is not the case. Remember to read to the end and download your free offering for the week! This last time was right after a Spiritual Retreat! You would think that one’s head would be rested, relaxed, rejuvenated or something to that effect... I had the opposite! My head was riddled with fear, thoughts of what the heck I am doing and the list went on! What does one do when feelings seep into our minds wanting to take over our bodies and keep us stuck in a state paralysis? I remember hearing for the first time, “feelings are not facts” and wanting to throttle the person that said that to me as I was having feelings of despair one day. Over the last 18+ years, I have had the opportunity to surround myself with people that live in a solution for the problems that life toss