Pastor John Farley - Lighthouse Bible Church Podcast

The law is not made for a righteous person.



John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, August 23, 2020 Chosen People Ministries The law is not made for a righteous person 1Ti 1:3-11 In verse 6, "these things" points back to verse 5. They wanted to be what they were not, which was teachers of the Law. They had no clue about the proper use of the Law in light of the glorious gospel . There was a proper use of the Law as well as an improper use of the Law. He begins with a clear statement: the Law is good. Morally good, noble, and beautiful. But Paul sees the law as an instrument that must be wielded with precision. IF... one uses the Law appropriately. How should the Law be used? The Law has been established for one group, but not for the other group. Quite simply,... for full notes: