Pastor John Farley - Lighthouse Bible Church Podcast

Deacons must be men of dignity



John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, October 4, 2020 Christmas Care Packages GBC Pakistan has set a goal for this year of ,000. 200+ Grace Academy School "student packages" at each, and 1,200 "village packages" at each, plus travel expense. Make checks out to GBC Pakistan Note "student package" or "village package" Deadline for donations is December 1st Deacons must be men of dignity 1Ti 3:8-13 Last week we examined the qualifications for the office of overseer. In verse 8, Paul shifts to a new topic: the qualifications for deacons. Then he abruptly turns his attention to "women" in verse 11. Then he returns to the male deacons in verses 12-13. the word... for full notes: