Pastor John Farley - Lighthouse Bible Church Podcast

Continue in entreaties and prayers



John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, November 29, 2020 Continue in entreaties and prayers 1Ti 5:1-8 He begins with the theme of family. Treat one another as fellow members of a spiritual family. Eph 2:19 He instructs Timothy to appeal to members as fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. He gives a set of principles regarding the care of the widows in the congregation. 1Ti 5:1-2 Do it in a loving way, as you would your own father. Do it with tenderness and respect, Be gentle and kind. Lev 19:32 Be mindful of their need for a role model. Give no room in your heart for selfish or carnal motives. 1Ti 5:3-8 "honor" here means both to give respect and to provide for basic material needs. "Widows indeed" have no means of support, and have been left... for full notes: