Pastor John Farley - Lighthouse Bible Church Podcast

Grace be with you.



John Farley Pastor Teacher Sunday, January 24, 2021 Grace be with you 1Ti 6:20-21 Guard. Avoid. Be blessed. "to guard" means "to protect and preserve". 2Ti 1:13-14 His duty to preach the gospel as he received it from Paul. No distortions, additions, or subtractions. Gal 1:8-9 Just as Timothy was entrusted with the gospel by Paul, so also Paul had been entrusted with the gospel by God. 1Ti 1:11 More broadly, the precious deposit includes the full realm of Christian teachings - - referred to in the pastoral epistles as "the faith". 1Ti 4:6 1Ti 6:20 The Greek word for "avoiding" means "turning away from". 1Ti 1:5-7 "worldly" is better translated for full notes: