Asylum Fantasy Sports Network

Chaos & Disorder Episode 27- Don't Say Taut



There's Chaos & Disorder, then there's just anarchy, tonight's show is the later. Tonight C&D welcomes in the proprietor of the finest eatery in all the land, the Chop Shop's own Bill. Listen in as Bill explains the method behind his genius, the tragic story of his vegetarian menu, the fallacy of gluten allergies, and the bathroom situation at the Chop Shop. Plus, the guys give full Oylmpic coverage including Beach Volleyball shennanigans, sharing gold, Briggs' absurd assumptions about the means of olympic athletes, and scary times in Finkelstein's home land. If thats not enough, they also break down how to handle a rowdy airline passenger, and Briggs reaches new heights of Briggsness with his weekly death update, weird driving videos, and a misplaced and uncomfortable history lesson. Spread the word and get yourself to the Chop Shop on main street in Butler,!!!