Finders Keepers Records

Finders Keepers Radio - Festival No 6 Tour Guide



Unheard and unreleased tracks by Suzanne Ciani, Jane Weaver's Fenella, Gerry & The Holograms (and more!) make up this silver tray of sonic hors d'oeuvres magnetising you to the mountains of North Wales for this special September annual event. Just in time for our annual omni-presence at Festival No Six your faithful guardians of the Keepers Cottage, Andy Votel, Pete Mitchell and Doug Shipton provide an aural tour guide to the many Finders Keepers Records' curated events over the weekend. For a festival held in the actual filming location of Patrick Magoohan's inimitable 1960's TV thriller, the B-Music brigade assemble their nearest and dearest to keep the commune cosmic, providing off-kilter treats for both the eye-drums and ear-balls. Also serving as a fine 2 hour road trip, this show cherry picks the best accompaniments for your journey into the depths of the Welsh valleys and also serves as another multifarious magnetic musik magazine for those who can't make it to the festival itself but will surely jo