Robert Bridgeman

Robert Bridgeman en Altazar Rossiter | #2 EMPOWERMENT



In deze podcast delen Altazar en ik onze gedachten en zienswijzen over 'the mystery of who we are'. Everybody is already empowered, but not everybody understands or beliefs this. It is all about making your decision to explore. It's also a choose not to explore your spiritual process and truth and that is also empowerment. The awakening is about recognising that you are empowered to be who you truly are. In the process of becoming more empowered you will recognise that your triggers are your 'friends'. Your triggers tell you where to look at and you have a choice to do that, or not. Empowerment is all about being open and honest from a place of vulnerability and integrity. Learn more about our visions and our personal sharing's in this podcast.