Sales Hacks For Startup Hustlers

Y Combinator is a waste of time (unless you do this)



The Startup Sales -Podcast Show Notes- Episode 002 Summary: Accelerator programs, such as Y Combinator, can help start-ups reach their goals—but it all depends on the start-up. In this episode, Steli shares specific examples of how they were able to maximize YC for the growth of their company. Steli provides useful advice on how to be proactive at these programs in asking for what you need and how this attitude can take your company to where you want it to be. Do NOT walk away with regrets at your next accelerator program. Time Stamped Show Notes: ●00:04 – Steli answers the question: Should we try to get into Y Combinator? ●00:25 – The answer depends on the accelerator and on you ●00:41 – For Steli, it was valuable for them and it made a significant difference in the success of their company ●01:04 – Steli shares the attitude they had going into YC that made it useful to them: Take whatever you want and take as much as possible of anything and everything ●01:49 – There were two attitudes of start-up