Sales Hacks For Startup Hustlers

3 simple steps to sell high-tech products to low-tech buyers



Related blog post here: You did it. You developed the next great tech product. The features are endless, the benefits innumerable. It’s a game-changer. So you meet with prospect— traditional buyers— and recite all the ways your solution changes everything. You provide diagrams and data. You discuss industry trends and the future. But that’s when you see them. The blank stares. You realize that your traditional buyers just aren’t comfortable with innovative technology. They don’t like change. They don’t get why your product is such a big deal. (It's a common scenario when selling high-tech products, and we cover more on this topic in our free Startup Sales Success course.) So where’d you lose them? The answer is pretty simple. You never discussed the cost of ignoring such an opportunity. Remember this formula: The Past + FOMO In these situations, my advice is always the same: