Sales Hacks For Startup Hustlers

C-level sales for startups: Ask for advice and you’ll get money


Sinopse In the early days of your startup, the ultimate validation is money. I’ve talked about this before, but it’s worth repeating: people need to vote with their time and money. That’s how you know there’s a real market for your product. End-users might think your technology is cool, but they don’t often make financial decisions. Many times, the people you need to convince are C-level executives. But here’s the problem: executives get pitched every day. They’re always asked for cash. So how do you stand apart? Ask for their expert advice Cold-calling executives doesn’t work if you don’t know about the market. To sell anything effectively, you need to understand their needs and how they buy. When you reach out to them, say: “We’re building a new technology and I could use your input. You’re an industry leader and I really value your expertise. I’d love to jump on a quick 15-minute call so that we can build this technology in a better way.” Here’s why this st