Sales Hacks For Startup Hustlers

Jolijt Tamanaha, Fresh Prints: Selling her First Company & Managing a Sales Team of 40



CLOSE.IO WOMEN IN SALES INTERVIEW SERIES Host: Rebecca Luo, account executive at @rebeccatluo Jolijt Tamanaha is the CMO & CFO of Freshprints ( Jolijt founded Farmplicity at 18 years of age while enrolled as a full-time student at Washington University in St. Louis. She created an online marketplace for farmers to sell directly to chefs and got acquired by Sunfarm Food Services in less than a year and a half. Jolijt is now managing and coaching approximately 40 of 250 of Fresh Prints' on-campus student sales representatives and managers. Jolijt explains how she got the job by content marketing herself like a product - her Medium piece, “'Don’t Take Startup Advice’ and More Startup Advice” (, caught the attention of the right folks and was even mentioned in a tweet by Marc Andreessen!