Sales Hacks For Startup Hustlers

Joanna Moshman, Figure 1: Structured Habits of a Partially Remote Company



CLOSE.IO WOMEN IN SALES INTERVIEW SERIES Host: Rebecca Luo, account executive at, @rebeccatluo Joanna Moshman is the Senior Manager of Business Development at Figure 1( Her career today comes from two paths that converged: startups and healthcare. She previously served as the investor services manager at Golden Seeds, an angel investment firm focused on female-led and -founded companies. Prior to that, she assisted and volunteered through the AmeriCorps Volunteer Program at Hudson River Healthcare. In discussing how she landed her current job, Joanna shares how to overcome the fear of asking when it comes to reaching out to people for introductions. Joanna works remotely in New York while Figure 1 as a company is predominantly on-premise at the Toronto office headquarters. She shares how Figure 1 became a partially-remote company, how her team uses daily routines, and how she personally structures her time and