Bloody Brilliant Women, With Cathy Newman

Jane Drew and Modern Architecture



In this episode we’ll meet Jane Drew, a visionary architect of the mid-20th century; and the better-known novelists Iris Murdoch, Agatha Christie, and Muriel Spark. Through the stories of their professional success we’ll learn about the creation and implementation of the Festival of Britain; the ways in which women had to push the boundaries to get ahead; and the ‘fabulous fees’ of flourishing women novelists. 'Bloody Brilliant Women: The Pioneers, Revolutionaries and Geniuses Your History Teacher Forgot to Mention' is available in paperback from Waterstones ( and Amazon ( ), audiobook ( and eBook ( from Apple Books. Cathy Newman (Twitter): @cathynewman Cathy Newman (Instagram): cathynewmanc4 William Collins: @WmCollinsBooks