Washington Research Council

Common Ground: Rep. Brian Blake on Trump's appeal to traditional D voters in his district



We're pleased to welcome state Rep. Brian Blake (D-Aberdeen), who took time out of his busy schedule during the legislative session to join our podcast. Rep. Blake represents the 19th Legislative District on Washington's southwest coast, a district whose counties have traditionally voted Democratic in presidential elections but last year largely went for Donald Trump. Jobs and the economy are hugely important, as is the case for most of Washington's rural residents. We discuss the issues and concerns of Rep. Blake's constituents, what led many of them to vote the way they did, and what might be done to address their concerns and not only improve their well-being, but also make sure state policy takes into account the distinct nature of rural communities. You can visit Rep. Blake's website here: http://housedemocrats.wa.gov/legislators/brian-blake/