Mumia Abu-jamal's Radio Essays

Why There is No Iran War on the Horizon



If we listen to the speech of Bush administration officials, or of vocal senators, it seems unavoidable that the Bush regime will unleash yet another military disaster against the Imamate in power in Tehran. Readers of our work in the past certainly have read my earlier commentaries which suggested such an attack was all but imminent. I am now of another opinion. Iraq has so shattered the U.S. military capability, and so undermined its credibility in the Middle East, that it seems unlikely that the U.S. empire could muster up enough wherewithal to mount an effective campaign. Also, any attack on Iran would only serve to further destabilize Iraq, where its 60% Shia majority would not sit idly by as their fellow Shias fall under the American gun. The Iraqi armed resistance has been largely a Sunni affair, but surely an attack in Iran would bring armed Shias into the fray. This, the U.S. neither wants nor needs. There is another reason: good old American greed. The big oil companies are