Experience Anu

Blow Up the Lecture



Is the traditional lecture on the way out? What will the classroom of the future look like? Will the digital world transform the physical world of learning? Will edX and other Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) providers change the face of education forever? Technology is opening up new ways to teach and learn. It is also opening up new ways to understand how we learn. What do you think the future of learning should look like at ANU? Featuring panellists Professor Anant Agarwal President of edX and social entrepreneur Dr Inger Mewburn (The Thesis Whisperer) Director of Research Training at ANU Dr Paul Francis Astrophysicist and co-leader of the first ANU edX course Professor Andrew Walker Deputy Dean, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific Mr Cam Wilson ANUSA President Chaired by ANU Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Marnie Hughes-Warrington