New Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast With Maribel Jimenez

033: Going From Sexual Abuse Victim To Victor In Life And Business, With Esther Miller



Today’s guest on New SuperWoman Entrepreneur is Maribel’s great friend, Esther Hatfield-Miller, a survivor of clergy sexual abuse and advocate for those who have undergone abuse. She transformed from victim to survivor and has emerged as a thriver, using her 5-step self-healing system “from CHAOS to CALM!” to help many people overcome the trauma and pain of sexual abuse. You can use humor to overcome the most painful trauma. Too often our personal traumas are what form the core of our hindrances in life and business. It’s natural, but an obstacle that has to be overcome if success and well being are to come to fruition in our lives. Esther Miller teaches people how to use humor, whimsy & insight to those who are victims of abuse so that they can learn to heal their sexual abuse & trauma so that they create a powerful, calm & drama-free life! You’ll be entranced by Esther’s energetic enthusiasm as she shares her vision, her business, and her zest for life, on this episode of New SuperWoman Entrepre