Nat Chat

4. Getting Your Dream Mentor and Beating Anxiety with Charlie Hoehn



“The irony is that you do so much better, when you stop caring about the outcome and start connecting in the moment and being your best.” - Charlie Hoehn Charlie graduated in 2008 into one of the worst job markets in history, and after a few months of fruitlessly throwing his resume out on Monster, started cold emailing entrepreneurs he wanted to work with. That soon led to working with Ramit Sethi, Tucker Max, and eventually Tim Ferriss who he worked with for three years. Charlie took what he learned from landing these mentorships and compiled it into a book, “Recession Proof Graduate,” which has been read by hundreds of thousands of people around the world, and was one of the first books that inspired me to get off the traditional college path. But then, something happened. Charlie stopped feeling like himself, and after a particularly crazy week of work, realized he was developing anxiety that was having a growing negative impact on his life. It soon reached the point where, as he said, his own girlfriend