My Rescue Rocks With Rebekah Nemethy

Q&U: The Crazy Things We do to Spoil Our Rescue Pets



The Q: What’s the craziest thing you do to spoil your rescue pet? Another question for, you, my crazy rescue friends. And when I say "crazy" I don't mean you or I would think it's crazy, but maybe your non-pet-obsessed friends think it's a little over the top. This episode is another fun show full of mini stories from My Rescue Rocks listeners like you!  To access links to resources, photos, and more, submitted by other listeners like you, please visit Please help us spread our rescue stories by sharing this show with a friend, PAWlease, I’d really appreciate it! You can also help out by subscribing, and leaving a rating and review on either iTunes or Stitcher. Thanks so much for your support!