Reiki Unleashed Podcast

New Year Visioning



take the opportunity in the rich soil of winter to reflect on the gratitude of 2018, amidst the challenges we all have been faced with. Shift your perspective and allow the blocks to be gateways into new directions for your higher good. Take whatever areas of your life you’ve felt defeated around, and renew them. Cleans what is ready to transform and plant your souls intentions for 2019. Allow the gifts you’ve been given to fully realize themselves in this life time, be an active co creator with the Universe/God/Goddess. Journey with us to sacred lands, reflecting the sacred within you which in turn inspires your co-creating the sacred where ever you are. Enjoy a nourishing cleansing purifying breath practice, deeply present in stillness and rest, creating a space to cultivate clarity for your 2019 visioning all soaked in the field of Reiki