Savvy Painter Podcast With Antrese Wood

Thinking Big: From Idea to Action



How do you feel about the big idea you’ve been keeping on the back burner? Does the thought of executing your big idea fill you with excitement, dread, or somewhere in-between? Those big creative ideas that bubble up deserve their time to shine - so what are you waiting for?  Let’s face it, most of us shy away from pulling the trigger on a big idea because we are scared or overwhelmed. What if there was a way to sidestep the obstacles that block you from executing your big idea? You’ve come to the right place! I took the opportunity to get feedback from amazing artists like you who are doing their best to forge ahead with their big ideas. I know that you’ll find helpful insights that will encourage you on your creative journey - don’t miss it! Don’t let your doubts win  There comes a time when everyone will have to come face to face with their internal doubts. Some people face this challenge early on in their creative journey and some face small doubts that creep in and disrupt in a more subtle way. If you re