Misandry With Marcia And Rae

First We Take Their Food



WE ARE BACK! With so much Misandry to catch up on. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE INCREDIBLE RESPONSES! Keep e-mailing/tweeting/reviewing us/ adding men to the spreadsheet. E-mail: misandrywithmarciaandrae@gmail.com Twitter: @MisandrywithMR Facebook: @misandrywithmarciaandrae Insta: @misandrywithmarciaandrae & don't forget to review us on iTunes! THIS WEEK, AS THE COUP NEARS: Rae just got back from Just For Laughs in Montreal! Women constantly having to disclaimer ourselves. Trump and his overwhelming nonsense. The Transgender military ban. Charlamagne tha God. LIL DUVAL THE MILITIA WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK TO YOU IMMEDIATELY. Trump leaning into culture war when he's failing. Marcia's project HeadlessWomenOfHollywood.com. Men have no sense of humor. Trolls. How dare women have opinions in public. #CRUSHMENMONDAY: Stephen Miller. Tom Cotton looks like if the rat and the cook of Ratatouille if they had a baby: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Cotton Affirmative Action. Handcuff yourself to every woman you see!  SEE