Maximizing Moments With Milton

MAXMO - Jeff Chant On How To Prosper By Being People And Profit Focused



Jeffrey Chant, B.A., M.Div, M.Ed Biography Jeff is known as a thoughtful, engaging presenter and a compassionate coach who closes the gaps between seemingly separate worlds with his deep understanding of both the human condition and his strategic business focus. Drawing on his experience in pastoral psychology and education combined with his years as an international corporate executive and consultant, Jeff encourages us to accept that we prosper when we are both people and profit focused. In a unique way, Jeff works with organizations to connect them to their people and purpose as much as their bottom line. With 20 year’s experience leading, advising and coaching to a range of organizations and companies, Jeff instills the required clarity for results and accountability as well as a culture of care and compassion. Jeff Chant, Prosperity Architect magnan!mous 902.452.3920  |