Kristi Lee Uninterrupted

Nancy Noel: Artist, Philanthropist and Adventurer



Acclaimed artist Nancy Noel fought undiagnosed dyslexia as a child and was told by a teacher in 8th grade “she would be nothing”.   Fortunately for art lovers everywhere Nancy was not swayed. She believes her learning disability actually opened the door for her amazing art work. She has painted animals on safari, African tribe men and women, Amish life, children, angels, favorite pets and more.  Her paintings are owned by celebrities like Oprah Winfrey. Hang in prestigious museums: The National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington DC. And are featured in the documentary, Women Like Us: Three Journeys One Mission to Change the World. Yes, Nancy was so inspired by the people of Africa that she established the NA Noel School in Kenya in 1999. Since that time she has provided a safe clean environment to educate children. Thus helping to change the world one student at a time. Her efforts also recently led her to be honored at the prestigious National Gallery of Art in Washington DC. Nancy’s life of philanthr