Synthaholics: A Star Trek Podcast

Episode 282: Lower Decks Terminal Provocations with Conspirinormal Podcast



Episode 282: Lower Decks Terminal Provocations with Conspirinormal Podcast Aaron and David welcome Adam Sayne and Serfiel Stevenson from the Conspirinormal Podcast to discuss the next episode of Lower Decks Terminal Provocations. Before we get into Lower Decks our guests Adam and Serfiel tell us about their upcoming event Strange Realities. In the past Strange Realities has been an in person conference but due to the pandemic this year they are hosting an online version this year with 21 amazing speakers.On Lower Decks this week a new character accidentally creates an intelligent destructive tentacle robot monster. What’s going on with Star Trek and all their tentacle robots lately?  It’s time to pour yourself a cold glass of Romulan Whiskey, for your weekly shot of Star Trek!  Conspirinormal Podcast Strange Realities Conference SEPT. 25 - 27  2020   Our music is provided by!  you can f