Game Change: Business Of Massage Therapy

15: Purchasing Equipment and Supplies



Elise shares her unforgettable story about carrying her old 32-pound massage table to her clients’ preferred massage area, the top floor of a 3-storey house using a spiral  staircase!  The client preferred the 3rd floor because of the panoramic view of the Atlantic Ocean.  She saw the importance of buying portable equipment, e.g. massage table,  if the therapist has no  massage office or shop. She did some research and provides helpful tips on: What to carry to a client call Saving for  your  business needs Investing in the right equipment Basic guidelines for purchasing massage equipment Suppliers /sellers of massage equipment Choosing what suits your budget and purpose Purchasing your massage table, desk, side table, chair, cabinet, lamps,  wash sink, water glass, water cooler, etc. Purchasing and organizing your massage supplies: oils, lotions, Purchasing your linen, kits, etc. Best and affordable portable massage table   Best practices in  setting up a massage therapy room Sharing expenses with a fello