Game Change: Business Of Massage Therapy

23: A Website as a Powerful Marketing Tool for the Massage Therapy Business



Elise talks about the importance of a website for any business, but especially for the massage therapist who has a mobile or brick-and-mortar business.  As people no longer use yellow pages, a business without web presence is missing out on one of the most powerful marketing tools available in this technological age. People search online, via Google, to find anything they need. They research products, companies and providers before they make a purchase. Elise tells the story of how many websites she made before she finally settled on a domain name registrar and hosting company for her current website. Listen to the details she provides on the following: How the internet has improved her business Her very first website was Yahoo How she used Wix website to set up her own website in a couple of hours How her website captures her target audience How to help your clients find you through your website People use Google to search for the most convenient method of purchase They Google to find out the closest store,