Game Change: Business Of Massage Therapy

75: My Lymphedema Life with Sue Callison



Today’s guest is Sue Callison of the blog, My Lymphedema Life. Her lymphatic system was permanently damaged during treatments for breast cancer, causing her to develop an additional medical condition called lymphedema. As Sue found out, there are many ways besides cancer treatments that cause people to develop lymphedema, but the outcome for all is the same: the chronic backup and buildup of lymphatic fluid in the body, which can be visibly seen by the swelling it causes in the affected areas. A common way to manage this condition is through the use of compression garments, however, for Sue, the traditional garments made her condition worse. After trying almost everything possible and available in the US, she went on a global search for a better solution and discovered Solidea, an Italian compression garment manufacturer. Sue discovered that one of their patented fabric technologies, Active Massage, had incredible properties of keeping the backup of lymphatic fluid down. Sue started her company in January 201