Apocalypse How?!

8: The More The Merrier! (Overpopulation)



We tackle the contentious ‘issue’ of overpopulation, covering Malthuss, Carrying Capacity, and Danny/Dani Dyer. Plus some Birth Rate Maths in which Rory takes so long to work out how many babies are born per minute that we had to play that part sped up. And James introduces ‘Apopulate!’, the population guessing game that is bound to have its own TV series one day. ENOUGH FOOD FOR EVERYONE IF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xi38ZtG4NhM DANNY DYER v PIERS MORGAN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W77154J0-w A MODEST PROPOSAL: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1080/1080-h/1080-h.htm Apocalypse How?! is the podcast where on scientist and one comedian discuss end-of-the-world scenarios. SUBSCRIBE NOW! (before it's too late).