Zelda Informer Podcast

Zelda Informer Podcast Episode 8: Zelda Science, Halloween, and Intro to Geography



THIS WEEK! Adam (The Host and 5th member of the podcast), Jake (Just some guy), Al (Worst puns ever) and Nick (One of our writers) get together for a (slightly shorter than usual) podcast! They talk how Hookshots work, name pronunciation, and disclaim everything! Check out the Links (get it?) below for more on what we discussed. Also, be sure to email us your topics, music, and even cover art at the official podcast email address: ZeldaInformerPodcast@gmail.com LINK DUMP: Adam's Twitter (He's hilarious, we promise): https://twitter.com/ABCMilkman Castlevania Video (not for kiddos): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx28MlhY8zc Jon Tron's video (also probably not for kiddos): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx9srMlojDg Sound Chris' Sound Cloud (Our usual theme song guy): https://soundcloud.com/soundchris-1​