Zelda Informer Podcast

Zelda Informer Podcast 013: Multplayer in Zelda and if it Could Apply to Zelda U



This week! Adam is joined by The Boss (Nate), Speedy (Justin) and newcomer Greg (He prefers Paul) as we discuss a series of fan topics, Star Wars, and Multiplayer possibilities in Zelda. It's sure to be a blast with almost 2 hours of content! So strap in folks, for the Unluckiest episode of The ZI Podcast. Be sure to send us your theme song submissions, cover art, and topics toZeldaInformerPodcast@gmail.com for your chance to be a part of the show! LINK DUMP- My Twitter: twitter.com/ABCMilkmanZI’s Twitter: twitter.com/ZeldaInformerOpening Music: Soundcloud.com/Soundchris-1Ibb and Obb: http://ibbandobb.com/Electronic Super Joy: http://store.steampowered.com/app/317770/Hyrule Warriors Review: http://www.zeldainformer.com/news/first-hyrule-warriors-reviewNEWS DISCUSSED-​​Fox Amiibo: http://www.gamnesia.com/news/fox-amiibo-wins-3rd-place-in-a-recent-smash-tournament#.VIENi6TF_xg Doctor Strange: http://polygon.com/e/7101106 Star Wars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erLk59H86wwFamitsu Interview: http://www.zelda