Zelda Informer Podcast

ZI Podcast 25:Smooth McGroove Jouns us to Talk Zelda Villains, Game Music, and Retro Versus Modern



This week's episode of the ZI Podcast is a long one, but probably the best episode of the podcast yet! (It's all downhill from here...) This week we're joined by none other than Mr. Smooth McGroove himself as we talk about Zelda Villains, Modern Gaming versus Retro Games, as well as hear plenty of stories from Smooth's life. This week on the podcast your host is... (still, sadly) Adam, and he's joined by Jake (He has this embarassing thing to tell you), Chris (Lovable as always), Max (Aka Mr. McGroove, maker of dorky puns), and Charl (He's a cat and was asleep most of this episode, but I felt it was worth mentioning).