Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

Changing What You Want to Want – 08.05.10



Student Question: If I understood what you were saying before, we should not be thinking about the past. We should not be paying attention to a moment that is not now. It seems so difficult because we are so used to having a story, right? “Yes. And that story limits you,” reminds Shunyamurti, the founder of the Sat Yoga Institute in Costa Rica. “To whatever extent, it gives you a defined identity, and defined goals; it limits your possibilities. And then you don’t have free will. You can choose to will what you want, but you can’t change what you want to want. Freedom only comes when you can want to want something different. . . . But if you are infinite potentiality, then you’re free. And you’re not identified even with the gender of your body or the age of your body or the nationality or—any of the things that limit your possibility. Why not be totally free?” Recorded on the evening of Thursday, August 5, 2010.