The Bike Karma Podcast

BK EP 41 - Underground Railroad - Mt Lemon - Groundhog - and More



Bike Karma EP41:  Segments -Intro  1- The Underground Railroad by Bike with Eric Cedeno of Bicycle Nomad 2- Sell your bike stuff with show supporter The Frame and Wheel 3- What's that Groundhog Doing?!? - Observations from the side of the road and trail. 4- Cycling Up Mt. Lemon for a Cookie with Ashley Martin from the Cookie Cabin  5- Mid Roll Thanks & Shoutouts and look for me at RAGBRAI 6- Why I Can't Use My Cross Bike for a Bit...   7- Thanks, Announcements, and Credits  ABC Quick Check  If you like any segment or episode PLEASE follow, like, share, or even better give a positive review (especially on iTunes), and share with any bicycle loving friends or people who don't like bicycles but who need to understand why you do. FREE STICKERS!!!! while they last   To see what is mentioned in the podcast check out my...     Bike Karma Instagram Page   and/or    Bike Karm