Geek Speak Live

Geek Speak Live #23 - Jay and Silent Bob Get Old, That Giant Blue Wang! and Total Recall enslaves OZ



Jay and Silent Bob Get Old UK - Tea Bagging in the UK. Dragnet the movie, Dan Ackroyd and Tom Hanks 1987. Dawson's Creek comic connection.  THE GIANT BLUE WANG in Watchmen - WHY ZACK! The Hobbit - 24FPS vs 48FPS. Total Recall enslaved Australia. The Expendables 2 out in the USA. PREY 2, how can a trailer be wrong with guns and Johnny Cash music! Zombie Cities - no 50 shades of Grey. Kingdom Come - Pinnacle of 90's comics. Your Favourite Bond actor. - Vote on your favourite Second String Comic Character. Coverage on Movie Trailers, News, Comics, Computer Games & anything else that interests us!