Conversations Live With Vicki St. Clair

Conversations Live With Vicki St Clair 08 - 26 - 19 Greg Isles, Erik Glen Hamilton



Despite a car accident that left him in a coma for 8 days, #1 New York Times Bestseller Greg Iles, much like bandmate Stephen King, rejoined the legendary and notorious lit-rock band The Rock Bottom Remainders. Described as the William Faulkner of the Breaking Bad generation, the incident left Greg no stranger to adversity. Today we’ll discuss how his body of work has helped put his homestate of Mississippi on the map. Born in Germany in 1960, where his father ran the US Embassy Medical Clinic during the height of the Cold War, Greg spent his youth in Natchez, Mississippi, graduating from the University of Mississippi in 1983. His novels have been made into films, translated into more than twenty languages, and published in more than thirty-five countries worldwide. His latest is Cemetery Road. Later, while Glen Hamilton’s novels always begin and end in rain-soaked Seattle, Mercy River never leaves the Pacific Northwest as the central plot sees our hero race on a mysterious journey to the arid high deser