Conversations Live With Vicki St. Clair

Conversations Live With Vicki St Clair 10 - 14 - 19 Austin Kleon, Andrew Fazekas, Tammy Nelson



So when the going gets tough, what do the tough do? They Keep Going! Creativity expert Austin Kleon returns with his latest book to share ways to stay creative in good times and bad. Find out why this “writer who draws” describes himself as a mongrel, and how that benefits his work. Why he says life is for art, and not other way around. How burnout can strike even if you love what you do. And, the big question, can you separate the art from the man, and the man from the art? Austin Kleon’s New York Times bestselling books include Steal Like an Artist and Show Your Work. Are you a stargazer? Andrew Fazekas is. So much so, that his passion for stargazing developed into a star-studded career, earning him the alias “The Night Sky Guy”. Today, he shares fun science facts, such as what causes the elusive “green flash” at sunset. And sheds light on his partnership with National Geographic to take the world’s first open-air, augmented-reality planetarium, to a global audience. Exciting times in Backyard Guide