Dire Weasels: A Real(ish) Play 5e Dungeons And Dragons Podcast

Episode 17: Welcome to Cloudspire



The adventurers finally arrive at Cloudspire to collect their bounty and have their audience with the king, but some problems pop up and the adventurers have to stay the night in town. I'm sure there's no way any hijinks could ensue...    Your hosts for the Dire Weasels Podcast are Josh Slyter- DM (@joshslyter), Matt Hankins - Norville Glimmerbottom (@chalupabatman27), Mollie M. - Aerrin Teabarrel (@eskimomo9), Ivana Sarmiento - Ivana Dk'Jakker (@arcanevice) Forrest Walker - Gerbo Namfoodle (@walk6070) and John Venrick - Kyna Quigg (@absurdistkobold).   Find us collectively @direweasels, email us at direweasels@gmail.com and rate and review us at itunes. Also, feel free to visit us at direweasels.podbean.com.