Dire Weasels: A Real(ish) Play 5e Dungeons And Dragons Podcast

Episode 117 - Combat, the Roll20 Way



The gang starts a fight, sort of. Okay they don't start it, but they finish it. F%$k, #spoilers. Ugh, this description is terrible. Okay, they fight the Ballot people, because they are bad... I think. Who knows? In this crazy world who knows anything. I'll tell you what, I know who knows everything... Roll20. Wait, no, this isn't an ad, it's just something to combat the ADD of the crew. I think it works? We don't fight, don't look at the title name. NO DONT DO.... you did it didn't you? Fine. Ugh! They  get into a heated arguement with magic and violence involved and some things happen and stuff happens at the end. I don't know anymore... Let us know if Roll20 helped, or made this just unlistenable garbage. Cody, or @codedude3, is our mighty glorious leader guiding us into battle. Ivana, or @arcaneVice gets drunk(while she's on hiatus). John, or @AbsurdistKobold, has fabulous hair. Mollie, or @MollieMM9, silently regrets every decision that has lead her to this podcast. Forrest, or @Walk6070, jerks it to the